Beacon Family Fun Day (BFFD)



At Beacon School, we believe in the value of family and community. Everyone who is related in any way to a Beacon School student or staff member belongs to the Beacon Family. Beacon Family Fun Day gives us the opportunity to meet as many members of this large community as possible. There is good music, and lots to eat and drink as well as healthy seminars and discussions.

During the Beacon Family Fun Day, our school compound becomes a big play-field for children and adults. Each family member is placed into a team for the day’s competitions and everyone dresses their team colours, ready to participate and win! The children particularly enjoy watching their parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles engaging in sporting activities such as football matches, penalty shots, arm wrestling, sack races, tug of war, charades, musical chairs, table tennis and basketball shots. The children have fun with water sports, face painting, bouncy castles and much more. There are also treasure hunts, word games and dancing competitions.

The officiating team records the points judiciously throughout the programme and declares the winner at the end of the day. The winning team receives a trophy which they hold to defend at the following year’s event.

At the Beacon Family Fun Day, Family bonds are strengthened, old friendships are deepened and new relationships begin!