Environmental Day
Our very existence and the quality of our lives are linked directly to the quality of our environment. Health and wellbeing depend largely on fresh air, clean water and fertile soil. It is our God given duty as human beings to tend the earth and watch over it. Once a year, Beacon Environmental Day gives parents and school (staff and students) the opportunity to carry out practical activities which maintain and even improve our immediate environment. We get to leave a footprint on earth which will affect lives beyond our generation.
Our campus is a beautiful garden with lots of trees, flowers and lawns. Most of the trees in the school were planted over the lifetime of the school. Beacon Environmental Day, is a time where we maintain the trees planted over the previous years and plant new ones which are nurtured till they also become big and strong.
We partner with A Rocha Ghana, an environmental protection agency, to promote awareness on the importance of avoiding human behaviours which could destroy nature and/or wipe out endangered animal species.
For the 2018 event, there were talks which highlighted the importance of preserving Pangolins, a local delicacy commonly called Aprawa, which is in danger of becoming extinct. In September 2017, Beacon Year 8 students presented a pangolin they had rescued to A Rocha Ghana for preservation. This pangolin was re-habilitated in the Achimota forest. International Day of the pangolin was held on 17th February, 2018, and was attended by the Year 8 students. They gave a presentation at that event and gave us a summary of that presentation at the 2018 Beacon Environmental Day.Two (2) new additions to Beacon Environmental day in 2018 were the anti-litter campaign and the cultivation of organic vegetables by students, parents and staff.
Our theme for the 2019 Beacon Environmental Day celebration was “CARING FOR THE ENVIRONMENT – A SHARED RESPONSIBILITY”. The programme included the planting of trees and vegetables, an organic pesticide show, fun games and a display from our Air force Cadet Corps. We were also privileged to have a team from the Environmental Protection Agency give us an apt and memorable talk on Keeping the Environment Safe, the Management of Plastics and Paper at Home and in School.
Benefits of Environmental Day:
- Responsible action is taken to better the environment
- Healthy lifestyles are encouraged
- Learning transcends the classroom